Diva I 6/30/01 4:05 PM
FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Continued from and inspired by ***tylerslady
thread*** posted earlier today
Visual provocation courtesy
of Dris 27's signature picture
Crime Victims Aerosmith Announce Tour Name
Change ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story
Filed: Saturday, June 30, 2001 4:00 PM EST
BOSTON (Pope Diva
I) - With all of its tour wardrobe missing and presumed snatched,
Aerosmith has never been more naked, and their fans have never been
While younger bands continue to layer on the
fashions, Steven Tyler, lead singer of Aerosmith (The Greatest Rock
and Roll Band in American History), says he and his bandmates are
taking their new status as crime victims in stride.
fans want us to look our best. It's not always easy to understand
why they do the crazy things they do, but after all these years,
we've learned to deal with it."
"This is obviously what the
fans (at least one of them) wants," Tyler went on to say, "Aerosmith
au naturalle. I, for one, am up for it."
Joe Perry, one of
Aerosmith's two guitar gods, didn't have a lot to say about the
recent theft, commenting only, "I really liked my red shirt. She
could have at least left me the red shirt, right?"
Aerosmith's management company has been in the midst of a
mad scramble to change the lettering on tour merchandise, replacing
"Aerosmith: Back on the Grass Tour" to "Aerosmith: Look at Our A**
Tour," after an apparently over-zealous fan made off with the band's
entire wardrobe earlier this week.
"We should have seen this
coming a mile away," one security professional, who insisted on
speaking off-the-record, said. "The boys have been going out into
the audience to move the show to the lawn stage and back each night,
and I've watched the fans. They're not just trying to 'touch' the
guys, they're trying to STRIP them!"
"One thing I hope we all
maintain," said bassist Tom Hamilton of his bandmates, "is our
willingness to be naked when we go into a concert
"Do you know anyone who doesn't like skin?" asked
drummer Joey Kramer, not giving this reporter time to respond. "Me,
either. Our fans do."
Aerosmith guitarist Brad Whitford
weighed in on the question of motive, saying, "Everybody wants to
name the tour. It becomes this kind of a challenge. Somebody took up
the challenge, is all."

tylerslady 6/30/01
4:21 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Diva, this deserves it's own post, if I had known, I would have
added the updated
tylerslady 6/30/01
4:26 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Re: Joe's Red Shirt
- YOU ROCK WOMAN! roflmao, laughed so hard I cried! I especially
liked the line from Mr. Perry "I really liked my red shirt. She
could have at least left me one, right?"
Boston, Newbury Street, by tylerslady:
A new store is
opening soon, filled with all types of Aerogear. Including the
elusive RED SHIRT.
While thousands of fans flock to the
Aerosmith "Look at our A** Tour" shows, those in the know have been
hitting the highly anticipated grand opening of the Pope Diva's new
apparel shop. While not officially open yet, the word has spread
thoughout the globe faster than Joe Perry's famous guitar licks.
Fans from as far away as Japan have been hanging out in front of
this new boutique hoping for just one wiff of the ultra cool
"Previously Worn Aerowear"
Aerosmith could not be caught to
comment, seems they're still running away from the women gone mad!
(thought I should move this
pinkangel25 6/30/01
4:34 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
I must have front row for this show!! LOl That is a great
story- send it to the book for Aerosmith!! I bet they would love it.
tylerslady 6/30/01
4:41 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Update 6/30/01 4:44 p.m. est, tylerslady:
Fans that were
at the Mansfield shows interviewed today commented repeatedly "Now
we know what Steven meant when he told us to imagine what Joey was
like in bed." One fan went on to comment "We thought it was about
the way he plays the drums, not the WAY he plays the drums"
This author is a little confused by that comment, did she
mean WHAT he plays the drums with? I suppose we'll never know for
Meanwhile, I'm still trying to reach members of
Aerosmith for comment, but it seems they're still running away from
rabid female Aero-fans. Other reports we're doubtful of the success
of this tour but the "Look at our A** Tour" has proven to be
Aerosmith's best run to
who'sjoef'nperry 6/30/01
5:09 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Diva, I shall say it again... YOU ARE THE SHIT!!!! Was it
better this time or the first? Hehe.
- Sex is like a gun.
You aim. You shoot. You run.
jimmy2jazzy 6/30/01
6:18 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
This is gettin 2 good.
"Then she
whipped out her gun And tried to blow me
Joe'sAngel 6/30/01
7:40 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
I lauged, I cryed, I peed my pants. j/k. Diva your the
greatest.keep it comming
"Remember the
light at the end of the tunnel... may be you ~
Diva I 6/30/01 7:49 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Authorities in Tense Standoff on Newbury
Street -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story
Filed: Saturday, June 30, 2001 7:45 PM EST
BOSTON (Pope Diva
I) -- After receiving several anonymous tips from members of
sonymusic.com's Aerosmith board about the recent Aerosmith-related
crime-spree sweeping the nation, authorities have surrounded a new
boutique on Boston's now-very-fashionable Newbury Street.
ransom note, released by authorities earlier today in an attempt to
secure leads in the Aerosmith Wardrobe Theft Case, led police to
suspect that the perpetrator might be involved with a new shop in
the area: "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Contra-Band: An
The boutique, which was slated to open on
Monday and had drawn a large international crowd of rockers and
lusty females, is owned by person or persons unknown. Police
reconnaissance of the store seems to indicate that it is inhabited
by one lone female, sitting on a massive pile of clothing, wearing
nothing but a silky red men's shirt and a three-mile
After initial attempts to contact the woman hold up
inside via telephone failed due to the very high volume of the
Aerosmith music pouring from the store, Boston Police sent DC
Detective Joe Landrewski to attempt to negotiate with the obviously
unhinged female.
Det. Landrewski approached the front window
of the store, pulling his service revolver from its holster, and
laid it slowly on the ground in plain sight, in an obvious attempt
to secure the suspect's trust.
"I'm not armed, Miss," he
called out.
"No, but you're CLOTHED!" the woman shot
Det. Landrewski, who has extensive experience with
women on the edge, attmpted to soothe the suspect, asking, "Can I
come inside so we can talk about this?"
"You sure can," the
suspect yelled back, "just as soon as you show me you're not hiding
a wire under those clothes!"
This unexpected demand elicited
a strong crowd reaction. A good number of the women looking on
offered to assist Det. Landrewski in providing the necessary
assurances to the suspect inside the boutique.
The standoff
Stay tuned, as this is a breaking

Tammy, a.k.a.
"Pope Diva I" Pope-ette and High Priestess of The Temple of
Diva I 6/30/01 8:46 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Authorities Unable to Clear Newbury
Street -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story
Filed: Saturday, June 30, 2001 8:45 PM EST
BOSTON (Pope Diva
I) -- Breaking news in the Aerosmith Wardrobe Theft
Crowd control has become an issue in the standoff
outside "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Contra-Band: An
Aero-Boutique" on Newbury Street. Police had attempted to push back
the crowd of lookers-on, after the suspect hold up inside the store
demanded that any negotiations with authorities be conducted "in the
buff." Their effort was met with strong resistance by a large
contingent of women in the group.
"We're not leaving until he
takes it all off," one woman shouted. Others immediately joined in,
screaming, "Hell, no, we won't go," "No nudity, no peace!," and "We
won't move back!"
What began as random shouting soon became
an organized chant:
"If she can see, so can we! If she
can see, so can we! If she can see, so can we!"
Joe Landrewski of the DC police, a dedicated crime-fighter with a
long and distinguished service record, attempted to avoid any
outbreak of violence, and to soothe the angry mob.
"You can
stay, okay! Just shut up, already! Jesus!" he hollered
A resounding cheer went up from the crowd that is
reported to have been heard as far away as Baltimore,
Turning back towards the window of the store, Det.
Landrewski shook his head, and muttered under his breath, "This is
just f***ing nuts!"
"I heard that!" the female suspect inside
the boutique groused. "Are you going to start, or shall I call the
ladies back? Oh, Ladies..."
Holding up his hands in an
exaggerated gesture of defeat, Det. Landrewski answered the
suspect's challenge. "No, no. I think I can handle this myself,
thank you very much!"
"Nice god**** shirt, by the way!" he
boomed, obviously referring to Joe Perry's red silk shirt, which the
suspect was allegedly wearing.
Another cheer went up from the
crowd at this last exchange.
Det. Landrewski removed his
black leather jacket, and threw it towards the Chief of Police, who
was squatting down behind the open door of a police cruiser, calling
out, "This is some town you've got here, Chief -- especially the
"They're not all from here!" the Chief of Police
answered in his city's defense. "You should see the highways!
They're backed up for miles and miles. This is getting to be worse
than Woodstock!"
"Quit stalling, and stop the chit-chat," the
suspect inside the store demanded, holding up a pair of scissors,
"or I start slashing!"
This escalation in rhetoric between
authorities and the suspect quieted the crowd, and seemed to hasten
Detective Landrewski's compliance with the alleged theif's
The drama is still unfolding.
Stay tuned, as
this is a breaking story...

Tammy, a.k.a.
"Pope Diva I" Pope-ette and High Priestess of The Temple of
Diva I 6/30/01 10:07 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
STANDOFF: Sundown, and Still No Resolution in
Sight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story
Filed: Saturday, June 30, 2001 10:00 PM EST
BOSTON (Pope Diva
I) -- The sun has now set in Boston, and the demands from the
alleged Aerosmith Wardrobe thief hold up at "America's Greatest Rock
and Roll Contra-Band: An Aero-Boutique" on Newbury Street are
becoming more bizarre.
After insisting that DC Detective Joe
Landrewski -- who was attempting to convince the oddly un-distraught
woman to release Aerosmith's clothing -- must remove HIS clothes
before entering the boutique to engage in one-on-one negotiations,
the woman inexplicably demanded that he stop disrobing.
a minute! Wait a minute! STOP!" she shouted at him from her
position, reclining atop a huge pile of rock regalia and holding a
dainty pair of high-power binoculars to her eyes. "We need
"What the hell?" Det. Landrewski asked, pulling his
hands away from the top of his black v-neck shirt.
"Don't you
even THINK of making another move until they get some spotlights
down here, dammit!" she screeched.
At this point, the suspect
began to shout towards the line of police cruisers just east of the
store, "Send for the Aerosmith lighting crew! You don't want to mess
with me, Coppers. DO IT!"
For reasons this reporter can only
speculate about, the females in the crowd, which had seemed so eager
for the detective to remove his garments only moments before, now
appeared to be in agreement with the suspect that the striptease
should be delayed, pending the arrival of additional
The mob began to shout:
"Bright Light Sight!
Bright Light Sight! Bright Light Sight!"
Given little
choice, considering the volatile nature of the lookers-on, the
authorities have acquiesced to this latest demand from the suspected
thief and have sent for the Aerosmith lighting crew, which is
currently traveling with the band on their "Aerosmith: Look At Our
A**" Tour.
We are unable to confirm whether or not the crew
has agreed to assist the authorities, and if so, when they are
expected to arrive on the scene.
The drama is still
Stay tuned, as this is a breaking

Tammy, a.k.a.
"Pope Diva I" Pope-ette and High Priestess of The Temple of
tylerslady 7/1/01
02:01 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
======BREAKING NEWS=======BREAKING NEWS===========
of Boston 1:57 a.m est, tylerslady reporting. After an evening of
chasing down the members of Aerosmith, this reporter is almost too
tired to type!!! Rabid female fans have chased these 5 Rock Gods
since the beginning of the "Look at our A** Tour" without a moment's
rest! Brad Whitford wants it known that "from our first gig it's
been the same thing time and time again, the fans have only wanted
to see our butts! This tour we've decided to give the fans what they
rightfully deserve!"
Mr. Tom Hamilton, always the philospher
of the group went on to add "You know, if someone didn't have the
guts to steal all of our clothes, this would have never happened.
We've always had an adoring fan base, but this tour has really
proven that we have so much more to give our fans."
Joey Kramer sat in the corner with an ice pack in his lap concurred,
he had little to say except "When will I ever get my drum stick
Mr. Joe Perry was more hopeful, he informed this
reporter that Detective Joe Landrewski from the DC Police was hot on
the trail of the wicked thief, "All I want is on of my RED SHIRTs
back." As I was about to leave, in walks the one and only Steven
Tyler, buck naked and grinning his only quote was "Now they know
what it takes!"
This is tylerlady from just outside of
Boston, I will, as always, keep you
Diva I 7/1/01 05:31 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Aerosmith (Accompanied by Slash) and Lighting Crew Arrive
at Scene of Standoff; Shocking New Development Involving
"Aerosmith Lust
Posse" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story
Filed: Sunday, July 1, 2001 5:30 AM EST
BOSTON (Pope Diva I)
- After playing a raise-the-rafters concert in Pittsburgh earlier
Saturday evening, in which they were joined onstage by Slash --
formerly of Guns 'n Roses -- for their final number, "Train Kept a
Rollin';" Aerosmith, Slash and lighting crew arrived at Boston's
Newbury Street to lend their assistance to local authorities
involved in a standoff with the alleged perpetrator of the Aerosmith
Wardrobe Theft.
The members of America's Greatest Rock and
Roll Band and those accompanying them arrived late on the scene, due
to a traffic snarl that now stretches across the United States,
Canada, and most of Mexico.
The less-than-thirty-mile drive
from their private runway at Boston Logan Airport to Newbury Street
took the band several hours to complete.
"It's like a giant
One Way Street out there," commented Aerosmith's driver. "I've never
seen anything like it! Every lane of traffic, as far as the eye can
see, all full of people headed this way!" Aerosmith's jet pilot
confirmed the driver's assertion. "From the air, it looks like an
ant farm down there," he said in amazement, "and it looks like all
the ants are in a big damned hurry to get to the same
The crowd of lookers-on, which had now grown into the
hundreds of thousands, and was primarily made up of women, cheered
the arrival of Aerosmith's caravan, particularly the band's private
car, and the massive lighting rig, which arrived on the scene lashed
to the back of an 18-wheeler.
At the arrival of the line of
vehicles, the mostly-female crowd, showing no signs of fatigue after
today's long standoff, began to shout, "Lighting Guys and Naked
Gods!" "Lighting Guys and Naked Gods!" "Lighting Guys and
Naked Gods!"
As the lighting crew climbed out of their auto,
the mob went wild. After a brief private discussion between the head
of the lighting crew and Boston's Chief of Police, the crew began
setting up near DC Detective Joe Landrewski, who was sitting on the
sidewalk outside the boutique smoking a cigar, glowering at the
suspect inside the boutique, and looking increasingly
"This is just f***ing nuts!" he reiterated,
blowing a plume of smoke into the night sky. "I say we wait her out.
It's almost sun-up, and she's gotta sleep sometime!"
"No she
doesn't!" screamed one onlooker, later identified as Dris27. "I know
who she is, and she NEVER sleeps. She's up all hours! My 'siggie
pic' sees to that!"
This reporter cannot explain the meaning
of the last remark, but would venture to guess that it's some
"internet thing."
A group of women, all standing with Dris27
and all wearing Aerosmith shirts bearing their sonymusic.com
Aero-board names -- AeroChick14, PerryChick, LoveThemLips, Pockets,
StevensCuttie, aeromomma, SWOO, Pandora'sKey, Sight4SoreEyes,
AeroHessa, amazin'cajun, Tyler's Girl, aero pink babe, taste of
india, dreaminragdoll, tomsangel, and a host of others -- broke into
laughter at the inside e-joke. Clearly, they had information the
authorities might need to successfully end this standoff, but they
seemed unwilling to divulge what they knew.
This new
development, that some of the onlookers might indeed know the
indentity of the alleged thief, caused a flurry of activity among
authorities. The Chief of Police approached the group, asking who
spoke for them.
After a brief huddle, the women asked roving
freelance reporter tylersangel, who had been traveling with the
fast-moving and much-chased Aerosmith all day, to communicate with
the Chief.
"They are willing to divulge the identity of the
suspect, but they have demands of their own," tylersangel
"AW, COME ON!" the Cheif shouted. "I'll throw you
all in the slammer for obstruction of justice if you don't stop
playing games! I'll charge you all as accessories to the Aerosmith
Wardrobe Theft!"
"I'm a reporter," tylersangel replied,
without missing a beat. "My first amendment rights are absolute. I
am not required to divulge to you any information these ladies may
or may not have given me." She then turned back to the group of
Aero-board devotees, giving a covert wink, which this reporter
believes was not seen by the Chief.
Apparently, one standoff
has now become two, as the will of the "Aerosmith Lust Posse" (as
they call themselves) is pitted against that of Boston's Chief of
The drama is unfolding.
Please stay tuned, as
this is a breaking story...

Diva I 7/1/01 07:02 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Hold Up Inside Boutique With Aerosmith, Slash, and
Landrewski -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story
Filed: Sunday, July 1, 2001 6:53 AM EST
BOSTON (Pope Diva I)
-- In a turn of events no one could have expected, Boston Police
have completely lost control of the situation at "America's Greatest
Rock and Roll Contra-Band: An Aero-Boutique" on Newbury Street.
Off-the-record negotiations between tylersangel, freelance
reporter and liaison for "The Aerosmith Lust Posse" and Boston's
Chief of Police were being conducted early this morning, when the
members of Aerosmith (absent Joe Perry, but with the addition of
Slash, former guitarist of the rock band Guns 'n Roses), suddenly
exited their automobile, and waded into the fray.
None of the
band members were clothed, and in an apparent show of solidarity,
Slash was nude as well.
En masse, the five moved quickly
between tylersangel and Boston's Chief of Police, separating them.
Steven Tyler, speaking rapidly and with a wicked smile playing about
his famous lips, seemed to convince the Chief that the situation was
well under control -- as evidenced by the fact that the Chief walked
casually back to his police cruiser, and did not put its open door
between himself and the storefront, as he had done
Tyler then turned to tylersangel, and spoke
briefly to her.
This reporter was unable to hear what was
said, but tylersangel's mouth dropped open. She then turned to the
Aerosmith Lust Posse (who had been straining to hear what exactly
was being said) and walked toward them in an apparent
DC Detective Joe Landrewski seemed extremely concerned
about the rapidly deteriorating situation. He threw down his cigar,
and turned away from the boutique's window to witness these
unexpected events.
As soon as tylersangel began to speak to
the Posse, the door of the "Contra-Band" boutique flew open. The
suspect, squealing in a decidedly non-criminal fashion (and
accompanied by an unidentified Borderlester Ewe who was squealing as
well), grabbed Detective Landrewski by the arm, throwing him off
balance. He began to tumble through the open door into the boutique,
as the suspect shouted "Now!"
What happened next is difficult
for this reporter to adequately describe.
In what seemed a
well-choreographed "play," the Aerosmith Lust Posse and their media
liaison lifted the five musicians off the ground, and rushed them
through the door of the store, quickly followed by the ewe. The
red-headed suspect, clothed only in the previously-reported red silk
shirt, saluted the Chief of Police, laughed mockingly, and pulled
the store's door shut behind her. The distinct sound of a lock being
engaged was followed by the snap of the window blinds falling
unceremoniously down, and the sound of feminine giggles and
masculine laughter.
No one in the Boston Police Department is
commenting. Do they still regard this as a "crime scene?"
lighting crew seems unconcerned, and appears to be taking a union
The sun is coming up in Boston, and the drama is now
unfolding behind closed doors.
Please stay tuned, as this may
still be a breaking story...

Tammy, a.k.a.
"Pope Diva I" Pope-ette and High Priestess of The Temple of
tylerslady 7/1/01
08:48 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
After spending several hours alone with Mr. Steven
Tyler, this reporter has the responsibility of letting the public
know just what Mr. Tyler had to say in my presence. I might add that
there was very little talking going on during this intense
"interview" while we were closeted away in a remote dressing room of
the "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Contra-Band: An
I asked Mr. Tyler how he felt about the theft
of the band's entire wardrobe, he looked at me and smiled, then
thought a minute. "We've wanted to always give our fans everything
we've got, every time we perform. With the 'Look at our A** Tour,'
that's exactly what we've done. At this point in time, I'm not
concerned about the wardrobe," Mr. Tyler continued "all we want is
one of Joe's RED SHIRTs back. We'll do anything we can to make sure
that happens."
Just exactly why Joe Perry is so attached to
the RED SHIRT, this reporter is unsure. I can only add ladies, that
spending the evening closeted away with Mr. Tyler has opened my
eyes! At least now I know the meaning behind a lot of Aerosmith's
most popular songs. Mr. Tyler, you are the Voodoo Medicine
And just what has happened to the DC Detective, Joe
Landrewski? Is he still negotiating with the thief wearing nothing
but that RED SHIRT?
tylerslady 7/1/01
5:29 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
News Update: Newbury St, Boston 5:27 p.m. by
Things seemed to have quieted down for most of
today at the soon to open Aero-Boutique. The Band members,
accompanied by Slash (former Guns N Roses guitarist) and Detective
Joe Landrewski of the DC Police have been holed up inside with
members of the Lust Posse, as well as this reporter and the wicked
red headed clothes thief. It appears negotiations have been underway
for most of the day, but no resolution has been reached. This could
be a lengthy negotiation. From what I can tell, there doesn't seem
to be much talking going on at all!
The throngs of women
outside have been chanting and holding up candles showing thier
solidarity with those locked inside with the Band, Slash and the
This reporter smiles at the others chant. Thanking
them for their overwhelming generosity and patience. I can honestly
say if I was locked out of the boutique, I probably would be pushing
my way inside, rioting until I was successful.
The elusive
ewe appears to be recovering slightly from earlier reports, just her
significance in this bizarre situation continues to leave this
reporter baffled. Unconcerned I return to the remote dressing room
where Mr. Tyler awaits.
New reports will be issued as soon
as possible.
tylerslady 7/1/01
8:19 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
ABOSOLUTELY NORMAL Diva! as a side bar, my daughter was with me
thursday nite at the concert, she sometimes rolls her eyes at my
aero-obsession, but after the show she told me that she was glad I
was at least a Normal Obsessed Fan...wonder what she meant by
Wonder too what the mysterious Dectective is up to
things have been extremely quiet at the Aero-boutiqe
tylerslady 7/1/01
8:35 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Dris, maybe you should check out the article regarding the
Aero-Cult? Diva strikes
tylerslady 7/2/01
6:33 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Dateline Newbury Street, Boston, MA, by tylerslady
now 6:30 p.m. Monday evening, and things have been extraordinarily
quite here that the "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Contra-Band,
And Aero-Boutique" for the past 24 hours. Seems that horrendous
thunderstorms, power outages and the unsatiable Lust Posse have kept
the members of Aerosmith (Mr. Tyler, Mr. Perry, Mr. Kramer, Mr.
Whitford and Mr. Hamilton) as will as Slash (former guitarist from
the group Guns N Roses) and Det. Joe Landrewski (of the DC Police
Dept) out of public view. This reporter is a little concerned that
these extensive negotiations may have a negative affect on the
Band's "Look at our A** Tour", but I have gotten repeated
reassurance from the group, that all is well and the TOUR will go
Mr. Kramer has finally disposed of the ice pack, however
he has asked me to plea his case. "I can't continue to work this
way, with only one drumstick and well, you know. I really need my
drumstick back." This reporter has certain deja vu from an old
Simpsons episode. Hum, again, I'm left perplexed.
From what
I've been able to ascertain, the lost sheep, MONA, is alive and
well, and hasn't been eaten yet!!! I'm sure this is great news for
the ASPCA!
As far as the RED SHIRT (Mr. Perry's favorite item
of clothing) I'm not certain. Perhaps the other reporter (Pope Diva,
pulitzer prizer winner) will be able to fill us in on it's
whereabouts and the condition of Det. Landrewski as I understand
that she has been in the middle of that negotiation.
In the
meantime, Mr. Tyler awaits my return in our remote dressing room,
which by the way we have dubbed "The Voodoo Medicine
This is tylerslady with the latest from the
"Aero-Boutique" please stay
tylerslady 7/2/01
7:13 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Just outside of Boston, a Break in the Case!!!! (tylerslady)
After extensive investigation, I discovered the following
bit of information, seems someone is feigning innocence:
Diva has absconded with the much-vaunted red shirt... and the ENTIRE
AERO-WARDROBE for the 2001 World Tour... in a desperate attempt to
be taken into custody by Detective Joe Landrewski, DC
So far, no luck, darnit!
like a confession to me? And what about MONA??? And just where is
this red-headed thief, the elusive Detective and Mr. Perry's RED
She's had us fooled, or is this a frame? This
reporter has had full faith in the aforementioned Diva and finds it
difficult to believe that she would abscond with the entire
wardrobe. Seeds of doubt have been planted, and without an update
from the High Priestess, the seeds take root.
This is
tylerslady reporting.....oh Good Evening Mr. Tyler, going
sorry be back
tylerslady 7/2/01
8:04 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Another clue to the mystery:
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kimboperry 7/2/01 4:03
PM Joe Perry in GQ....UK Edition
just tried posting this but something went wrong so here goes
again...sorry if it comes up twice. I just saw on the Rock This Way
news page that the UK july edition of GQ magazine features axemen
and what they wear. There is a pic of Joe Perry that I think would
make those of us in the joeperrylustposse very happy. I wanna try to
get a copy of this magazine...gonna see if I can get it ordered. I'm
not sure if this pic is full size or not but if anybody out there in
the UK can post back with more info please do! If its bigger, can
someone scan it and maybe post it or email it? I'm sure I won't be
the only one interested... :) kimbo
"..Behind the walls of my
temptation, that's where it all
kimboperry 7/2/01 4:12 PM Re: Joe
Perry in GQ....UK Edition
the walls of my temptation, that's where it all
Pope Diva I 7/2/01 4:25 PM Re:
Joe Perry in GQ....UK Edition
Aero-Blessings on ROCK THIS WAY!
Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I" Pope-ette and High
Priestess of The Temple of Aerosmithicism
Diva I 7/2/01 4:29 PM Re: Joe Perry in GQ....UK Edition
picture! AAAIIIIYYYYEEEEE!!!! Someone get me a doctor!" The Diva
shouts, grabbing at her chest.
An urgent call goes out over
Tyler, Perry, Whitford, Hamilton and Kramer rush into the room, and
rip open The Diva's ill-gotten red silk shirt.
"Clear!" Dr.
Perry shouts, rubbing defribillator paddles together in his
calloused, masculine hands.
Dr. Perry, gazing lovingly down
at his biggest fan, discharges the paddles into her
The Diva's green eyes slowly flutter
"Joe! You saved me!" she says in wonder. "We're not
done playing doctor yet, are we?"
"That depends," answers the
good doctor. "Are you going to give me my red shirt
Diva, my friend? Are you really guilty? Or are you
being framed?
tylerslady 7/3/01
06:23 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Tour Name Change |
Things have been extremely quiet??? No Response from anyone on
this?? Is the lust posse still holed up with the Boys??
anyone care if Joe gets his RED SHIRT