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Pope Diva I
7/3/01 4:17 PM
FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message

Ispired by
Jaded1's thread,
Farewell, its been swell......
and by AeroCult Members Leaving the BBS


SIGHTINGS? AeroBelievers Report Signs And Wonders:
AeroCult Members Ponder Significance of Paranormal Events

Story Filed: Tuesday, July 3, 2001 4:00 PM Boston Time

LONG BEACH (Pope Diva I) -- After the recent departure of several AeroCultists from's Aerosmith Bulletin Board, remaining cult members consider the meaning of unexplained paranormal phenomena.

The "AeroCult," a group of music fans whose adherents believe that members of the popular musical act Aerosmith (America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band) are gods, comprise a subsect of American society that is not always embraced by the wider culture. The AeroCult, like the cosanostra, is reportedly a very hard group to leave, as few AeroCultists ever leave the cult, and among those who do, even fewer stay away for any substantial period of time.

A recent rash of defections from's Aerosmith Bulletin Board on the World Wide Web (a gathering place for fellowship among AreoCult members) has caused dissention in the ranks of the AeroCult. Bickering, in-fighting, back-biting, and general crankiness -- which some believe to be related to either the unseasonably hot weather of late, and many others believe to be caused by widespread paranoia over receiving concert tickets "in time" -- have taken their toll on the close-knit group of worshippers.

Early Tuesday morning, however, members of the group began to report strange occurences related to the band.

Just after sunrise in Louisianna, an AeroCult member calling herself "dreamin'ragdoll" claimed to have seen the band's icon in clouds over the bayou near her home:

An AeroMiracle?

Claiming that this cloud formation was "a sign," dreamin'ragdoll went on to explain that the deities must be sending a message to the flock, and that the "Miracle of the Clouds" is intended to bring those who have fallen away back into the fold.

In a matter of minutes, an AeroCultists in Manhattan, who calls himself "licknapromise" claimed to have spotted a series of five diamonds atop a skyscraper nearby.

An AeroMiracle?

The gems, perched atop the skyscraper from its east to west corners, were reportedly configured in a manner reminiscent of cover art on the album "Rocks," released by Aerosmith in 1976 and considered by many to be one of the groups finest efforts.

licknapromise, who claims to be able to "speak in tongues," insists that this is a message from the deities, which he translates to be, "Look at all we have given you! Put aside your petty differences and worship in a manner pleasing to us!"

Shortly thereafter, an AeroCultist in Long Beach, California calling herself "Pope Diva I" claimed that the band itself appeared to her in a vision on the ceiling over her bed.

An AeroMiracle?

Pope Diva I claims that the image of the band appeared suddenly, and that she was filled with the band members'... divine spirit. The vision, she insists, lasted through the night, and left her with the certainty that the band members are, indeed, gods, and that their visitation was intended to bring all AeroCultists back into the bosom of the band, and back to's Aerosmith Bulletin Board, for joyous worship.

We are unable to confirm whether or not these alleged paranormal events have resulted in the return of any of the AeroCult defectors.

Please stay tuned, as this is a developing story...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Tom's Angel
7/3/01 4:21 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

LOL! You did it again!
If I can say my opinion here, I say it's another great one! Love the pictures, too!


7/3/01 4:22 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

funny! any more signs?? :)

Mad About Aero
7/3/01 4:26 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

LMAO Diva!!! That was GREEEEAAAAAT!!!!!!

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 4:29 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message

Thanks, TA, and no, Aerodoe, I have heard nothing as yet about additional paranormal occurences.

I wonder if any other miracles will be reported?


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/3/01 4:47 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

HAHA! That was worth a good laugh!

You are so creative! Nice work! Keep it up, PLEASE!

Rock On!
AeroAsh: )

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 5:17 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message

Thanks, Mad and AeroLuvr...

I just hope those wandering in the winderness will reflect on these signs and wonders, and return to us...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 5:49 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message


A SIGN? Texas AeroCultist Receives Divine Revelation from Pet Dog

Subject: a new sign!
From: Tom's Angel
Received: 7/3/01 5:19 PM

Yes, it started to snow in the middle of a Texas dog started to drink water like crazy...then he jumped out the window and drew me this in the snow...he looked up at me and in his eyes I could see the rocks that were spotted earlier today...

Please stay tuned, as this continues to be a developing story...


(No skin showing here,
thank Aerosmith!)

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/3/01 5:59 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

oh are such a crack your style of bring much laughter to this board!!!! and we love and appreciate it!!!

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 6:29 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message


A SIGN? Washington Monument Reportedly Draped in Massive Scarves

Story Filed: Tuesday, July 3, 2001 6:30 PM Boston Time

WASHINGTON DC (Pope Diva I) -- We have unconfirmed reports from unnamed AeroCultists in the nation's capitol that the recently refurbished Washington Monument appears to be draped in a series of long pieces of gauzy fabric, which are said to be "snapping smartly in the breeze on this windy evening."

The as-yet-unidentified AeroCultists claim that these are actually scarves, identical to those regularly tied to the mic stand of one of their gods, Steven Tyler of the musical act Aerosmith (America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band), when the group is performing live.

We are unable to confirm whether or not these are, indeed, the same scarves Mr. Tyler is purported to use (just on a much grander scale), although we can confirm that there is a massive traffic jam on DuPont Circle, possibly caused by gawkers, or by individuals abandoning their autos to run to the monument, site of this latest paranormal event.

We have no information as to whether or not authorities intend to leave the scarves undisturbed during tomorrow's Independence Day Ceremonies, if these reports prove to be accurate.

Please stay tuned, as this continues to be a developing story...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/3/01 7:10 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

LMAO Diva! You crazy girl!

There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 7:20 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message

Dris! Baby Angel! I've missed you!

Where ya been?

And more importantly...

Have you had dinner yet?

(Me, either, darnit!)

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/3/01 7:26 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

OH HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! LMAO Diva! What's going on? I've been at work all day...gotta make the money somehow! I've missed ya too girl! And to answer your question, no...I haven't had dinner yet!

Have you?

There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 7:31 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message

Sadly, no... (See above...)


But I know what I'm hungry for...

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/3/01 7:36 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

LOL! Oops, sorry...missed that! I guess I need to pay more attention! But then again, how can you pay attention to anything, when you have a sexy pic of that handsome man staring right back at you?

There's that red shirt again!

7/3/01 8:38 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

Diva--that picture again. All I can say is

7/3/01 8:44 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

Hee hee this is great! So were the commandments! I printed them out and put them on my wall, but sadly my dad didn't find them funny and made me take them down. Then he said that me and who ever else that thought it was cool was really messed up in the head. :(

Free car? Money? Point me to the dotted line!

7/3/01 8:48 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

Every time I see that picture I practically faint. It gives me the chills.

I love your creativeness! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Rock On!
AeroAsh: )

7/3/01 8:51 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

Pixie, honey, you should respect your father and his wishes. However, I personally think he needs to chill. It is a joke for crying out loud!

7/3/01 9:18 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

Obviously your Dad isn't an Aero-dad, sadly neither was mine. Take it in stride. As a "cleverly disguised as a responsible adult" I understand where he's coming from - we want only the best for our children....sad but true

Just hide it away and read it when he isn't looking and don't take it TOO seriously - We do have to act like adults when we're parents...until say you're 15 and we decide that we want to embarrass the sh*t out of you! Unfortunately that lasts until you're about 35 or so.


7/3/01 9:19 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

Diva, thanks for providing so much humor and entertainment on this board!! You are so creative!! Joe provides a lot of inspiration, huh? lol

"I thought I knew me much better"

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 10:31 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message

Ahhhh... Inspiration...

Yes, I try to open myself to Joe on a daily basis, so that I can be filled with his... spirit... and come back to report to all of you.

Remember, with Aerosmith, all things are possible.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/3/01 10:57 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

Amen! Aerosmith always gives me this special power. You should see me when I wear my concert t-shirt. I act liek I rule the world.

I think I have a dad that tries too hard. He plays the leg guitar and sings Aero Tunes. I also have the commandments on my door next to my Aero Wings.

Rock On!
AeroAsh: )

Pope Diva I
7/3/01 11:37 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message


A SIGN? Italian Authorities Report Mysterious Appearance of Red Shirt on The David

Story Filed: Tuesday, July 3, 2001 11:30 PM Boston Time

FLORENCE (Pope Diva I) -- Giuliano Urbani, Italy's Minister of Culture, gave a brief press conference at the Galleria dell'Accademia today, after visitors to the gallery reported having seen a red silk shirt suddenly materialize on Michaelangelo's "The David."

The full English text of Minister Urbani's remarks follows:

[Translated from the original Italian] Today is indeed a blessed day for Italy, and for all of Europe. I do not pretend to know the significance of the event that has unfolded here today. Only time will tell if this event preceeds a full European Tour by the band Aerosmith. The good people of Italy and of Europe have patiently awaited the return of our musical saviors. Perhaps today's miracle is a sign that our wait will not be long. Thank you, Aerosmith be with you, and good day.

Minister Urbani quickly left the hastily-staged press conference, tears in his eyes, and did not take any questions from the gaggle of reporters that had, on very short notice, filled the room to overflow capacity.

Earlier, guests of the Galleria dell'Accademia claimed that, while observing Michaelangelo's masterpiece, the strains of "Back in the Saddle" filled the room, and a red silk shirt appeared on "The David." As the song built towards its climax, the shirt, which at first appeared ephemeral, appeared to gain substance, until it was indistinguishable from real clothing.

For almost twenty minutes, none of the guests present moved, for fear of breaking "the spell." As the next tour group arrived to observe the statue, reports spread to the Galleria dell'Accademia's staff that something "miraculous" had occured.

No one in the Galleria has yet attempted to touch the shirt. The general concensus among scholars and theologians consulted by the Ministry of Culture is that human contact might cause the shirt to vanish, along with any hopes of a European tour by Aerosmith.

The government of The United States, which has today been the site of several similar events of a seemingly paranormal nature, has not commented on either the several events in North America, or this most recent event in Europe.

Please stay tuned, as this continues to be a developing story.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/3/01 11:43 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

I'm LMF*****AO!!! That's crazy Diva!!!

There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 05:09 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message

Bump for the AeroCultists across the pond...

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 05:56 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 05:59 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message

i'm impressed by the clouds!

> from an angel's eye ain't no place to hide <

7/4/01 06:11 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Reply to this message


Are you still here, or anyone else, I'm getting lonely here!

I don't need to speak,I play the guitar Joe Perry

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 09:04 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 11:35 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

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