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Pope Diva I
7/4/01 00:31 AM
Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

Continued from FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders


A SIGN? Italian Authorities Report Mysterious Appearance
of Red Silk Shirt on "The David"

Story Filed: Tuesday, July 3, 2001 11:30 PM Boston Time

FLORENCE (Pope Diva I) -- Giuliano Urbani, Italy's Minister of Culture, gave a brief press conference at the Galleria dell'Accademia today, after visitors to the gallery reported having seen a red silk shirt suddenly materialize on Michaelangelo's "The David."

The full English text of Minister Urbani's remarks follows:

[Translated from the original Italian] Today is indeed a blessed day for Italy, and for all of Europe. I do not pretend to know the significance of the event that has unfolded here today. Only time will tell if this event preceeds a full European Tour by the band Aerosmith. The good people of Italy and of Europe have patiently awaited the return of our musical saviors. Perhaps today's miracle is a sign that our wait will not be long. Thank you, Aerosmith be with you, and good day.

Minister Urbani quickly left the hastily-staged press conference, tears in his eyes, and did not take any questions from the gaggle of reporters that had, on very short notice, filled the room to overflow capacity.

Earlier, guests of the Galleria dell'Accademia claimed that, while observing Michaelangelo's masterpiece, the strains of "Back in the Saddle" filled the room, and a red silk shirt appeared on "The David." As the song built towards its climax, the shirt, which at first appeared ephemeral, appeared to gain substance, until it was indistinguishable from real clothing.

For almost twenty minutes, none of the guests present moved, for fear of breaking "the spell." As the next tour group arrived to observe the statue, reports spread to the Galleria dell'Accademia's staff that something "miraculous" had occured.

No one in the Galleria has yet attempted to touch the shirt. The general concensus among scholars and theologians consulted by the Ministry of Culture is that human contact might cause the shirt to vanish, along with any hopes of a European tour by Aerosmith.

The government of The United States, which has today been the site of several similar events of a seemingly paranormal nature, has not commented on either the several events in North America, or this most recent event in Europe.

Please stay tuned, as this continues to be a developing story.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 00:37 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

LOL Diva! Hey this is my 998th post! Gotta get to 1000 somehow!

There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 00:48 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

You're way ahead of me!

Maybe I should do the FAN FICs in chunks so I can play catch-up.

Wait, on second thought, instead of chasin' ya, howzabout I chase...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 00:50 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

LMAO!!! You're right Diva...that's probably a better idea. Hell, I'd rather chase him too!

There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 00:57 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message


Do you think there's any chance he'll let us catch him?

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 00:58 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Oh, maybe one day...maybe one day!

There's that red shirt again!

7/4/01 01:28 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

can i add a story?

^dream on :-)

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 02:10 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message


Testify, Sister!


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Mad About Aero
7/4/01 02:23 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

ROTFLMAO!!! Diva you are so creative!!! LOL too funny! Thanks for the laugh!!!

7/4/01 02:39 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

i will when i figure out how to get the pic on here lmao

^dream on :-)

7/4/01 02:42 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Wow...i look pretty damn good with that red shirt on....hehe...David:)


Pope Diva I
7/4/01 02:51 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

7/4/01 02:52 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Diva, you continue to facinate me. I only wish I had half the talent you have :)

- Sex is like a gun. You aim. You shoot. You run.

7/4/01 02:56 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Aero-Wonder Cracks the Sphinx; Egypt Astounded


A sight beyond all worldly explanation astonished Egypt today as the legendary Sphinx was transformed into the latest Aeroshrine.

The very stone of the monument bore away at itself this morning until, by 7am local time, the word “AEROSMITH” was visible along the side of the statues outstretched leg. Some are calling it a miracle, some a sign, others a bad archeological joke. But in any case, the strangely timed marking is making news along with other Aero-events worldwide.

“Yeah, it’s weird, but it ain’t no partin’ of the Red Sea.” comments Dick Long, a vacationing Tennessee businessman who witnessed the mayhem.

But not all present were so quick to dismiss this phenomenon’s importance. Many claim to have seen an even stranger vision at exactly 1pm appear over the pyramid close by. From most accounts it was a shadowy figure resembling a cartoon image of Aerosmith’s lead singer Steven Tyler.

“It was like so far gone man,” suggested D. Trip, an American teenager who says he just ‘found himself’ on this side of the world. He continues, “He like ran up the side of the triangle thing, did a little dance at the tippy-top, let out a scream like ‘ya-ka-ka-ka-ka-kow’ or some [expletive]. Then just floated off into the sky and disappeared. I was like ‘Dude! Did you see that mouth?’ I think I like wet myself.”

Though the sphinx remains permanently engraved, only one known photograph captured the mystically crystalline vision of a Simpsonesque Tyler straddling the pyramid. This sad fact leaves many a skeptic about its actual existence.

“Well, it very well could be an extremely creative dark room mistake.” Suggests Dr. Johnny B. Good a photography expert. However he later added, “But hey it could also be the Demon of Screamin’! Ya-ka-ka-ka-ka-kow!”

*Editors note: The good doctor was last seen running through the streets of Cairo wearing spandex and a loosely fitting red shirt while carrying the book ‘Aerosmithicism: Give in, or We’ll Get You the Hard Way’*

ok so it was my first try hehe

^dream on :-)

7/4/01 03:05 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

oh hush you talented Diva...*blush* not that studly...just a little...:)


Pope Diva I
7/4/01 03:29 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message


That was frickin' fantastic!


One Snappy Diva Salute for AeroUSA!


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 03:31 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

AeroStud NOT studly?

Post a pic of yourself, AeroStud, and let The Diva be the judge of that...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 03:32 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Thanks! *takes a bow*

but it'll never be as good as a Diva origional ;)

^dream on :-)

7/4/01 03:33 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Am I studly Diva ;)???

- Sex is like a gun. You aim. You shoot. You run.

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 03:33 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

Like hell it won't!

It is!

It's better!

"or we'll get you the hard way?"


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 03:34 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

Let's see that pic, AeroStud!

Don't be a tease...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 03:41 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

awww gee thanks *blushes*

...the hard way...makes ya think don't it? hehe

^dream on :-)

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 03:43 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

You know my mind never wanders far from the AeroGutter...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 03:50 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

as does mine...

well i better be off to bed for some Steven Dreams...mmmmmm...

^dream on :-)

7/4/01 03:51 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Goodnite Aero

- Sex is like a gun. You aim. You shoot. You run.

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 04:29 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

Goodnight, Aero.

Sorry for being away.

I was responding to one of Dris' posts, and got caught on an emotional roller-coaster there for a spell.


Sweet AeroDreams.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 04:31 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

Yes! I've seen your pic, Joe. STUDLY WITH A (HOPE I'M RIGHT) TELECASTER!

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 05:19 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message


Any sighting's in y'alls neck of the woods?

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 05:20 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

I was wondering the same thing Diva, didn't you here on the news that there was a sighting by a Dutch windmill and the Eiffel tower in Paris?

I don't need to speak,I play the guitar Joe Perry

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 05:30 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

I had no idea! Haven't had CNN on tonight.

Got any juicy details?

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 06:40 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Oh my Goodness, The Diva is inncorrect!!! How could this be??? I thought you were PERFECT. It's a Strat, not a Tele. But I have to give you credit, you were close :) Don't worry, I still luv ya :)

- Sex is like a gun. You aim. You shoot. You run.

Pope Diva I
7/4/01 06:46 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

It had to be one or the other...

Besides... I was looking at YOU, not at the GUITAR, and my scratch discs are full, so I couldn't open the pic to double-check.

(Lame rationalization, but the best I could do on short notice!)


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/4/01 06:49 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

The guitar is better looking that I am. Shit, You look damn good in Joe's red shirt too :) I think Mona likes it too.

- Sex is like a gun. You aim. You shoot. You run.

7/4/01 4:16 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

*turns on CNN*

are they covering this story? lol

^dream on :-)

7/4/01 8:39 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Oh David you do look great!....and you look good in red, too!

7/4/01 9:25 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

OMG Diva, you **HAVE*** to submit all the signs and wonders to the book!!!! They are SOO hilarious, I'm sitting here with a six pack from laughing so hard!!!!!!!!!

7/4/01 9:48 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Thanks J1...*blush*...hehe..HUG;)


7/4/01 9:57 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

aaahhh...your blushing so much, it matches your shirt....!

Gypsy Rain
7/4/01 10:22 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Dateline Stonehenge ...

Sources report at 12midnight local time a celestial phenomenon occured in the skies directly above Stonehenge.

Onlookers described ethereal lights in shades of green and gold forming a word across the waxing moon.

A ... e ... r ... o ... s ... m ... i ... t ... h ...

Religious scholars are studying ancient scriptures hoping to explain the recent appearance of the holy word at seats of spirituality worldwide.

More news as it becomes available.

Reported by: Gypsy Rain, La Sorciere

7/4/01 10:27 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

hehehe..yah well..your so sweet your gonna give me cavities...:)


7/4/01 10:34 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

uh oh, then you might have to go see my dentist...hehehe...that was good, eh?

7/4/01 10:38 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

hehe..excuse me AMERICAN...but you cant use the word "eh"..only us CANADIANS can..:) watch what you say eh....:)


7/4/01 10:46 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
or is it ay?

7/4/01 11:09 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

WHY YOU WITTLE!!!!!BAD GIRL!!! Im gonna....take this to private message....for a private spanking...hehehe;)


Pope Diva I
7/4/01 11:23 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

I hadn't heard about Stonehenge!

Was this on CNN? Did anyone get pictures?

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Gypsy Rain
7/4/01 11:59 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

The Stonehenge siting was not reported by CNN the Talamasca quietly put the word out to select religious scholars and the Weekly World News.

- Gypsy Rain, La Sorciere your roving Metaphysical and all things unusual reporter.

blessed be ...

7/5/01 00:46 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

Y'all are still at it! LMFAO! Did you have a good nap, Diva?

I bet you had plenty of nice steamy dreams about...

There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 02:47 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message

Steamy is right.

It was 150 degrees here and 300% humidity. I think I lost about 15 pounds in two hours. When I woke up, my blanket was all wet.


But, on a happier note, I went to "horny corner" at Belmost Shore here in Long Beach tonight to watch fireworks with my consort.

You'll never believe what happened! Did anyone else who went out tonight to watch fireworks see something strange?

Let me know.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 03:28 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message


Possible cause of all Aeromiracles found in the heavens!!!!!

A routine search of the sky conducted form the NASA space station, Houston TX, turned up an astonishing discovery at 11pm Central Time July 4th. There perched between the planets was a symbol, seemingly engraved into space itself. Many experts have identified the strange emblem as the official Aerosmith wings.

“Well, I shouldn’t be saying this…but the wings, they were there. I saw them first and alerted the higher powers. They said it was swamp gas or something but no, they were there. They may still be there,” commented C. U. Peeing a NASA worker who was promptly led away kicking and screaming by men dressed in black who curiously didn’t leave fingerprints.

NASA denies the existence of any such wings daunting the sky, or the ground. But many of their employees who have chosen to remain nameless back up Mr. Peeing’s statements. One even suggested that the wings had been there for many days, but the prominent fire works displays over the United States just illuminated their presence.

If they indeed had been there for quite some time, then could this be the origin of all the Aeromysticism happening around the world? Stay tuned for further updates…

^dream on :-)

7/5/01 04:11 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

that being said i'm off to bed for some Steven dreams....mmmm steven....

^dream on :-)

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 07:12 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 09:04 AM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 8:49 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

C.U. Peeing? ROTFLOL!!!! So funny USA!

"And Joe Perry says I'm alright!!"

7/5/01 9:02 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Reply to this message

hehe i was wondering if anyone noticed that lol

^dream on :-)

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 11:36 PM
Re: Signs and Wonders Go Global Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

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