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7/12/01 1:28 PM
open this can of worms... Reply to this message

I've heard rumors that Perry "plays" in concert with backing tapes because he can't play like he used to. I did go to see them in Indianapolis the other night and it appeared on some songs that he was using a wireless amp...but on other songs I couldn't see the antenna. I don't know if there's any truth to that or not.

I do know that Whitford uses a traditional plug in, because it has a better sound.

Here's another point for discussion (note i didn't say argument): I truly believe that as a true guitarist Whitford is better. Perry is a great showman, but Whitford does such great stuff.

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 1:29 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

Where did you hear those rumors?

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 1:34 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

hhhmmmm.....No Way....we need proof....

7/12/01 1:37 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

Actually, I heard it in '97 on the NL tour. Also, I'm in the fan club and usually (until these new idiots took it over) get seats in the front 10 rows. I have seen what appears to be JP plugged into *nothing*.

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 1:41 PM
Unsourced Rumor About Perry's Musical Integrity Reply to this message

That's an interesting accusation. My father is a guitarist, and has quite a few years on Joe. He continues to improve with age, rather than losing his chops. His live performances have also improved over time, and continue to.

I have to tell you, I've never heard the theory that guitarists get less talented with age.

Before we discuss the accusation, though, can you tell me where you heard those rumors? Please post the source here on the board, so I can evaluate its/their credibility.

As far as my opinion of the two guitarists, I think Whitford and Perry are different, and have different strengths.

For raw emotional power, I think Perry has the advantage.

For a more disciplined, technical sound, Whitford may.

As for me, I like Perry's rawness. I like the emotion of it, because it speaks to me personally.

I was always a bigger fan of Slash than I was of Yngwie, for example.

I also think Perry may be a more prolific writer, which is something I greatly admire.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 1:44 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

In Hot Water wrote:
"Actually, I heard it in '97 on the NL tour. Also, I'm in the fan club and usually (until these new idiots took it over) get seats in the front 10 rows. I have seen what appears to be JP plugged into *nothing*."


I'm sorry. I think I wasn't clear in my earlier post. What I meant to ask you was, "From whom did you hear these rumors?"

I was not asking about the physical location you were in when you heard them.

Please advise.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 1:49 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

ok, i dont think he plays into nothing! his playing sounds different everytime! and joe gets the guitar solos not brad..i mean thats not cuz he has more showmenship..its cuz he is WAY better. dont get me wrong, brad is awesome, hes a great guitar player, i just think joe gets into it a lot more!

7/12/01 1:52 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

I agree Diva. You can only learn more, you can't just forget what you learned and lose your ability to play. You grow on what you learn.

Joe, I think, is a better guitarist when it comes to just writing something and playing it. He learned on his own, and he has this hard core edge to his playing. I think that's why he is more into the music during performances than Brad is.

Brad has a schooled thing. He learned from someone else. He is a great guitarist, but I think he probably plays better when someone else shows him how to do something. He is more disciplined than Joe, and maybe that's why he barely moves during performances.

Just my opinion!

Rock On!
AeroAsh: )

"No I cannot forget where it is that I come from,
I cannot forget the people who love me"

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 1:52 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

Incidentally, the last time I saw Aerosmith play live (earlier this summer), Perry's guitar fed back when he was moving around the stage.

That would seem to indicate to me that he was plugged into *something*.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 1:53 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

so who cares i don't....

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 2:04 PM
Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message


I care greatly about both Joe and Brad.

It upsets me to hear either of their musical/professional reputations besmirched, that is why I would like to know who is doing the besmirching.


Dear INhotH2O (In Hot Water):

Do you have a source for me yet?

Please advise.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 2:06 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

i meant to say who cares if its tapes...i know its not and this post is a waste of my precious poem writing time....whitford and perry are playing me....

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 2:19 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message


Love you, LS.

You make me smile.


And I agree that exploring unsubstantiated rumors from unknown sources is a waste of time, but that seems to be what INhotH2O wants to talk about, and I didn't want the accusation going unanswered.

(I was afraid that some people might see a lack of disagreement as tacit agreement.)

PS: Have you had time to surf that webring yet? Any good sites?

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 2:21 PM
Post-Post-Script Reply to this message


PPS: I do trust you. Implicitly, explicitly, and in every other way... just not around sheep.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 2:27 PM
Re: Post-Post-Script Reply to this message

why thank you...if my sheep was a sexy as you i might give em up....nah................

7/12/01 2:44 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

I did not say that I believe that he does it all the time. However, have you ever heard a song in concert where you'd swear that there are more guitars playing than there are players on stage??

Also, I heard it from an AF1 member after the twice-reschudled Dayton, OH show (once for Tyler's torn ACL, the second for a bout of viral laryngitis). He said "Did you notice that...?"

Someone brought it to my attention at the Indianapolis show this time also, which made me think and watch more closely. I try to make my own observations, and wonder if someone else has made the same. I'm not making what I believe are totally unfounded accusations. They may not be true. I just wondered if anyone else has truly listened to and watched the show, or if everyone was singing along and didn't really pay close attention.

7/12/01 2:47 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

"However, have you ever heard a song in concert where you'd swear that there are more guitars playing than there are players on stage??"

In this case, there are usually people down in the guitar pit helping out.

Where will you be when the music's gone?

7/12/01 2:49 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

i'm in the 80's on aerosmith concerts and i unlike you pick my ears and not my ass so i can hear .....get a grip drink some coffee and jump off the nearest bridge......this is aerosmith were talkin bout not minn vinna or whatever the hell there name was....

7/12/01 2:52 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

the wording in this thread is just so funny... Joe is plugged into nothing....wait, he must be plugged into something...just giggling here :))

7/12/01 2:52 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

You mean lip sync kings Milli Vanilli?

Where will you be when the music's gone?

7/12/01 2:55 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

that's not joe perry it a flucking recording and one hell of a clone....i guess that's not aerosmith either....damn mona leave joe and company alone so they can play live...

7/12/01 3:00 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

LS- STOP IT!! I am going to get fired because of you- you make me laugh all the time. I keep getting strange looks from the girl across from me!! LOL

7/12/01 3:05 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

if these posters would stop the shit then i wouldn't have to be so blunt about it....stick your tongue out at em the next time

7/12/01 3:05 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

sorry but if joe doesn't play the guitar what the fuck does he do up on stage? just strums along when he feels like it i suppose pretending to be that good guitarist who plays for that rock band. for fucks sake i did that with my dads guitar when i was 2! i'll tell ya what, lets all do it! come on everyone pick up a guitar, put walk this way on and pretend we're joe perry

"i found a moose up my hippopotumus"

7/12/01 3:08 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

That would really blow over- but then again she would probably do the same back!! LOL
We are all silly here in this office- we have a lot of fun. If I ever showed anyone what was written in some of these posts they would have me committed!!

7/12/01 3:14 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

i got thrown out of the funny fuck em

7/12/01 3:14 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message


Thats right folks, first it seemed like it was only joe perry who was faking but no sir, its all of them. in a joint statement for the band read by who was "supposedly" the lead singer of the band, Steven Tyler said "we were just gettin too old for it all. My throat was getting cranky in my old age so my friend, Teven Styler sings now instead. Brad and Tom were getting too slow, so Trad and Bom have recorded for them while they merely strum along on stage, and and Kroey Jamer records the drum sounds for joey, who just bashes around on a few tin cans." Yes thats right folks, Aerosmith are just actors on stage. the real musicians, who call themselves Smero-ith, record for them.

"i found a moose up my hippopotumus"

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 3:18 PM
Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

INhotH2O wrote, IN PART (for his complete post, please see above):
Also, I heard it from an AF1 member after the twice-reschudled Dayton, OH show (once for Tyler's torn ACL, the second for a bout of viral laryngitis). He said "Did you notice that...?

"Also?" Who was the original source, then?

And who is this unnamed source, the AF1 member you referenced above?

Please be specific about the identity of all your sources, so I may gauge their credibility (ability to inspire belief or trust).


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 3:21 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

Nine Lives, you are frickin' brilliant.

From one AeroSmartAss to another...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 3:26 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

Does that mean... (GASP--terrified look on face)
That is not really Joe's sexy hunk of a body out there, and Steven's cute little butt in tight jeans!!?

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 3:27 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

If Joe doesn't feel like plugging into his amps, he can always plug into me.

You know how I am...

I'll make the sacrifice.

Anything for the cause.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 4:31 PM
Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

INhotH2O (In Hot Water) wrote IN PART (to read the post in its entirety, please see above):
I'm not making what I believe are totally unfounded accusations

[un fówn dud ] adjective
1. not supported by evidence: not supported by evidence or facts
2. not established: not yet established

Dear H2O:

The accusations against the musical integrity of Joe Perry -- and the rumors that he is a musical fraud -- may not be "totally unfounded" in your estimation, but unless and until you provide me with any evidence or facts you may be in possession of that I am not, they remain "totally unfounded" as far as I am concerned.

I am still awaiting the actual identity of your multiple sources, so that I can judge their credibility, and the likely truth of any accusations they might make.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 4:40 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Critical thinking invloves judging the source when weighing the validity of any assertion.

That's basic.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Well Priestess, dearie...since you won't answer my pvt message, i'll repost my response to you from another thread.

Involves in judging the source?

Not when you *think* you have seen something in person it doesn't.

I just wanted to know if anyone else had seen the same thing, or if I was the only one looking for that. And the only reason I was looking for it was to see if the accusation was true. I don't believe or disbelieve anything off-hand. I look for the truth myself. I suggest you do the same.

7/12/01 5:04 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

I too have heard Joe's feedback last tour when he was walking around, i doubt they'd record that for "effect." I've also seen a show where joe didn't come in on a song...if he was only pretending and we were just hearing back tracks then I would have heard the music come in on time.

not plugged into any amp? I'll believe that when i see him go out on stage and jump-rope with the cords :)

^dream on :-)

7/12/01 5:10 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

I saw Aerosmith 3 times at Jones Beach this summer, had good seats, good view, good sound. The only time I heard a guitar other than Joe's or Brads, was when Russ Irwin (the keyboardist) was playing an acoustic on a couple songs. It was noticeable. Also as a guitarist myself, I know one player, can often sound like two, depending on technigue, and effects, So two guys playing, with effects could easily sound like someone else is playing also.

Steven used to call the litte phantom sounds in their soungs "psycho harmonics" and attributed it to the dual lead playing of Mr Perry and Mr Whitford. They do not play the standard version of rhythm and lead guitarists, they don't have to , with Tom and Joey being so superb at their jobs. Often times they are both playing leads at the same time, especially live. If you watch the giant video screens, it's easy to see hoew confused the camera men, get, they are riight there, and they can't even figure out where the main lead is coming from. Many times they will zoom in on Joe , during a particularly "hot" lick, only to see Joe is just noodling around with some double stop riff, and Brad is over in the dark alone, ripping away a brilliant lead, so they go to him, and suddnly, he's picking up a rhythmn, and Joe is doing the lead, it's the transisitions between the two, that really throw some people off, because they are so smooth, and are constantly passing off to each other.

Long winded and boring, I know, but i think thats what may give people the impression of something going on.

7/12/01 5:14 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

sorry for the typos, I was eating, and typing with one hand

7/12/01 5:23 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

BKS, not long winded at all, very interesting, and I don't think the originator of this thread needs to be badgered. he was asking a question, giving info on what he saw and heard, and wanted to know what we all thought. stop raking him over the coals. jeez!

7/12/01 5:24 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Thank you for that explanation...that explains one thing. But, unless my eyes from the 3rd row were deceiving me (which, I guess, is possible) it looked like Perry sometimes didn't have his wireless on. (And I didn't see him directly plugged in all night.)

7/12/01 5:30 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Yeah, that I can't explain, other than to say, with all the guitar changes during the show, for whatever reason, the transmiter may not have been where you would expect to see it. I have not kept up on wireless technology, since I am never more than 10 feet from my

Another thing to consider, is people are dying to "expose" Aerosmith for something all the time, if they were actually faking the guitars, somebody would have blown the lid off of it by now, in a very public way. Stevens use on backing vocal tracks on some songs, are well documented, and very noticeable at the shows.

7/12/01 5:31 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

I was at the concert in Indy and I don't agree at all. Joe Perry plays better than ever! They are all better than ever. My God, I hope I can jump around, swing from ropes and have that kind of energy when I'm their age.

7/12/01 5:36 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

BKS: I agree about Steven. Note that I don't want to believe what I heard about Joe, but I did decide not to judge it off-hand, but to try to see for myself. I thought maybe that I saw something and just wondered if someone else had. That's all. I wasn't looking to attack anyone, despite what others may think. (read: PopeDiva)

And thank you for your comments sweet-emona, because that's exactly what I was trying to do.

I mean, I love the guys...lest I wouldn't have driven 600+ miles in the worst winter storm in 10 years in New England to see the NYE '94 show.

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 5:37 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

INhotH2O (In Hot Water):

I do not respond to private messages from persons like yourself (I delete them), so I don't know what you wrote me. However, I would prefer that you do not address me as "dearie," as you are not even a casual acquaintance and we do not have a relationship that would inspire such liberty of address.

Onto the the question of the unsourced accusations against Joe Perry's musical integrity, and the musings that he might be a musical fraud:

As I don't know you or anything about you (other than this thread, and the one about your being less-than-happy about the "Back on the Grass" Tour), and as my personal observations at Aerosmith concerts contradict yours, I personally do not find your assertions about your personal observations credible.

It's a personal judgment call, and I've already made it.

BTW: I am still waiting for the identity of the sources you mentioned earlier. Perhaps I will find them more credible, perhaps not.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 5:43 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Again I was trying to discuss things nicely and you prove nothing by your personal attacks.

At least the last 2 posts other than, of course, yourself, were civil and brought information to the group.

Pope Diva I
7/12/01 5:47 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

My personal observations at concerts contradicting yours is not a personal attack. It is a statement of fact.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/12/01 7:39 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

>>>Again I was trying to discuss things nicely and you prove nothing by your personal attacks>>>

Don't worry InHotH2O, all this Diva or whatever she calls herself does is live to flame people that have a different opinion then her. You were just asking a simple question and asking for some observations of people that have seen Aerosmith based on your personal experience and based on things you have heard from friends. I find nothing inflamatory of what you posted. However, Diva dearest is doing nothing but causing trouble. So Diva honey, why don't you crawl under a rock before you get barbequed. Anyone with half a brain knows that you are nothing but a trouble maker. But I still love you anyway LOL!


Tyler's Girl
7/12/01 8:33 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Joe losing it?

Thats the laugh of my entire freakin week...........................PLEASE...

I hardly think so.

Dream until your dreams come true....

7/12/01 9:03 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

"They do not play the standard version of rhythm and lead guitarists, they don't have to , with Tom and Joey being so superb at their jobs. Often times they are both playing leads at the same time, especially live."

Aerosmith isn't the only Beantown band that does this. Boston (the rock group) does this all the time. It's their signature sound. They have 2 leads playing in harmony. Just listen to Peace of Mind.

Where will you be when the music's gone?

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 3:36 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Aerometis wrote (IN PART -- for his entire post, see above):
Anyone with half a brain knows that you [Pope Diva I] are nothing but a trouble maker

I agree. Anyone with half a brain would think me a troublemaker.

Luckily, people with a whole brain know who the real troublemakers are, and know it is not me.

What unsubstantiated rumors questioning the musical/professional integrity of any member of Aerosmith have I ever spread? have I ever posted to this board?

When have I ever implied or declared that the boys, either in the aggregate or individually, are now talentless?

When have I ever accused them of financially raping their fans?

And as far as adding to this discussion, I posted several substantive additions [see my earlier posts above]:

1. Artists do not lose their artistic ability, or their ability to perform live, with age.
2. Perry and Whitford are both very talented in different ways, and have different styles.
3. Joe's guitar fed back as he moved about the stage at The Wango Tango Festival, indicating that he was, indeed, plugged into an amp.
4. It is important to know the source of a rumor when judging the rumor. (For instance I would be more likely to believe something I read in Scientific American than in The National Enquirer. To make this obvious observation is not "flaming" The National Enquirer, it is expressing an opinion about the relative credibilities of the publications.)

And, for the record, two more points:

Innocent until proven guilty: Giving Aerosmith the benefit of the doubt when it comes to unsubstantiated rumors is as American as The Bill of Rights.

As regards the Internet, "flaming" is a word with a specific definition:
COMPUT deluge of critical e-mail: the directing of a large volume of abusive and insulting e-mail at somebody, often as part of a flame war

As the only PM's that have been sent regarding this post have been sent from others TO me, rather than from me to them, it is impossible that I have been guilty of flaming.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/13/01 3:51 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

It appears that the above people know absolutely nothing about wireless technology. It is possible to have a wireless transmitter hidden (say, on the belt underneath the red shirt) and still have it work perfectly. On stage crews are also very creative about hiding the redievers, as so not to look like they're trying to watch TV. Just because you do not see an antenna, does not mean it is not there.

Now as for Tom not using one, it is all a matter of personal preference. Joe feels comfortable using it. Tom may not trust the unit enough, or he just feels more comfortale being hard-wired.

When you live for yourself, it's hard on everyone

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 3:58 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

I was on TV once, and the sound engineers tucked the wireless audio transmitter into the back waistband of my pantyhose, sort of nestled above my bum cheeks, and under my suit jacket (which was fairly tailored, and fit close to the body).

I don't think anyone who didn't know me beforehand -- and didn't know my body shape -- would have noticed the small transmitter under my clothing.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/13/01 3:59 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

good post diva
good post dude...and to add also, Tom doesn't move as much as joe so he wouldn't have to worry about the restrictions cords put on radical mobility.

^dream on :-)

7/13/01 3:59 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

That's exactly what I was talking about. It's probably easier for Joe to hide his since his shirts are looser fitting.

When you live for yourself, it's hard on everyone

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 4:01 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

And, for those shows where Joe does not remove his shirt, there is always duct tape.

The engineers could put the transmitter anywhere there was room, not just where there was a place to tuck or attach it.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/13/01 4:03 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

USA, I think the main reason may be lack of need, but, also, some axe men are uneasy about cutting the cord. They've heard horror stories about batteries cutting out. Also, many of them have seen the scene in Spinal Tap where the wireless starts picking up the air traffic conversations.

When you live for yourself, it's hard on everyone

7/13/01 4:08 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

lol@spinal tap

i have seen many guitarists get tangled in cords however...some quite funny shows lol...and even professionals (have a bootleg tape of ac/dc where angus got it wrapped around his ankle during a roll...very cool show he kicked it off without missing a beat)

^dream on :-)

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 4:09 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Another quick note:

When you see guests on programs like The Tonight Show, they are wearing lapel mics with small wires running (usually under their clothing) to audio transmitters. How often do you see the transmitter?

A good sound engineer makes sure you never do, or at least tries to, depending on the clothing the guest is wearing.

[SIDEBAR] When I was hooked up to the wireless transmitter, the sound engineers had to keep moving the lapel mic around on my suit jacket, because the audio engineers in the booth could hear my heart pounding, which meant people watching the show at home would be able to hear it, too. (I was very nervous). So, wireless technology is very powerful, and very sensitive.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/13/01 4:10 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

On a slightly related note, there is such a thing as the wrong place to put a wireless. If any of you saw (hate to use this name) Britney Spears at the Video Music Awards last year, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. For those who didn't see it, it looked like she had a giant hemmoroid.

When you live for yourself, it's hard on everyone

7/13/01 4:14 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

One time some friends of mine were competing in a Battle of the Bands. It was a really small stage, and the lead guy accidentally unplugged his guitar. After the show he said the next thing he was going to get was a wireless. I don't know if he did, though.

When you live for yourself, it's hard on everyone

7/13/01 4:16 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Diva/Aerometis - agree to disagree and let it drop, please.

InHotH2O = love the name, hope you havent been broiled LOL

Theyre gonna bleep it anyway

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 4:16 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

My dad STILL refuses to go wireless.

I was going to upgrade him to wireless for his birthday one year, and his girlfriend told me not to bother, because she had already tried to, and he just took it right back to the store and traded it in for extra Monster cables.


So, I got him a Dean Markley Pro Mag Pickup for his second acoustic, instead.

He kept that.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/13/01 4:21 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

i have to say again lol@giant hemmoroid...i do remember that performance, but i think most people were more concerned with whether she was wearing clothes rather than her transmitter.

On an Aero show for MTV (i believe it was the Spring Break show after 9 lives came out) Steven had on tight jeans and they put it in his back pocket. i was babysitting while it was on and the kid goes "Whoa, Why does that man have a square but???" bad placement? or square but? lol

^dream on :-)

7/13/01 4:24 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

Actually, Paula Abdul looked worse on MTV. She had the hemmoroid pack and a huge a**, so it looked really bad.

When you live for yourself, it's hard on everyone

7/13/01 4:29 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

ew yeah Paula's performance in the corset outfit *shudders*

^dream on :-)

7/13/01 4:30 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

I think it was voted one of the worst moments in the history of awards shows

When you live for yourself, it's hard on everyone

7/13/01 4:33 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

it should have, that and Marylin Manson's corset perfromance...eehhh...though his transmitter was placed better lmao

^dream on :-)

7/13/01 4:53 PM
Re: open this can of worms... Reply to this message

Fellow board members ,this is probably another person from the aerobuds board or the af1 board again..anytime you see someone new to this board starting a controversial topic such as this I could almost guarantee thats it one of them.I"m not paranoid of them I just hate their child like games.If Im wrong them I apologise to this person h20..but I don"t think I am wrong.I really could give 2 shi%S but I think it"s fun catching them at their little games.....but responding to this ridiculous observation that MR PERRY uses backing tapes & is not playing certain songs is ludicrous(wireless amp)is there such a thing???stage amps???hanging amps..which???..maybe the batteries weren"t DURACELL EITHER!!!!...ALSO MAYBE THE EASTER BUNNY GOT THE TOOTHFAIRY PREGNANT & THATS HOW HALLOWEEN WAS BORN!!!

7/13/01 6:26 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

LMAO USA and dude! You guys' part of the conversation has been the most enjoyable! Anyway, NO, I do not believe Mr. Joe Fuckin' Perry to be faking anything!

There's that red shirt again!

7/13/01 6:28 PM
Re: Unsourced Accusation Against Perry's Integrity Reply to this message

HELLO??? Why didn't this bump?

There's that red shirt again!

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