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Subject OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dris27
Posted on 7/14/01 3:37 PM

Please beg me to stay!

There's that red shirt again!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by sweet-emona
Posted on 7/14/01 3:48 PM

bye bye

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 3:58 PM

LOL Dris!!

See you tonight in the chat.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by love them lips
Posted on 7/14/01 4:49 PM

But dris..... I looooove you:)

"moist, that's a good word, I love that word"

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dope Piva U
Posted on 7/14/01 4:55 PM

Please stay!

Don't let that nasty-ass Diva person chase you off, too!

I hate her!


And now, she's made you leave, TOO!

I say we take her out back, and kick the ever-lovin' sh** out of her...

If that don't get it, you can catch it on the B-side.
Repent, for the end is at hand.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 4:58 PM




Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dope Piva U
Posted on 7/14/01 5:04 PM

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by aeromomma
Posted on 7/14/01 5:05 PM

dris27.please don't won't be the same without you here.......please reconsider........!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 5:10 PM


I am not mad at Diva...she didn't want to be in the book and that's her business...

Try to have some fun on the board, Dave. It's going to hell again but it'll be back up in a few days...

You can call me Al.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dope Piva U
Posted on 7/14/01 5:15 PM

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 5:19 PM

Don't know if you'd believe it but I am a Christian...I read the Bible every ngiht, believe it or not...

And I know how to have fun, and I know how to forgive Diva...

I think He would like this book. It's got a lot of great stories from a lot of great fans. I sure hope I'm not spending a lot of money to make these for nothing...

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 5:20 PM

Now Dris, get rid of the goat and COME OVER HERE! Lips made it...

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dope Piva U
Posted on 7/14/01 5:20 PM

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 5:23 PM

Nope we're just trying to save some money for my dad's med school...

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Sellout-R-Us
Posted on 7/14/01 6:23 PM

Damn baby, you cut out Brad.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 6:28 PM

Yes, SellOut, as much as it hurt me!!

I'll try something with the pic...stay tuned...

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 6:36 PM

...fixed it...

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dope Piva U
Posted on 7/14/01 6:46 PM




And another thing, please...


Please forgive me, as this is sort of OT for this thread, but...

Please show some love for Zork... It's never too late.

Keep THE WAVE going...

To join the contagion of AeroLove, please CLICK HERE and do THE WAVE.

"If that don't get it, you can catch it on the B-SIDE."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dris27
Posted on 7/14/01 7:00 PM

Yes, Diva's hilarious stories chased me away. Now, I think it's time for Mommy to change my poopie diapie! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!

There's that red shirt again!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dope Piva U
Posted on 7/14/01 7:01 PM

Dris, are you mad at The Diva?

Please, be honest.

"If that don't get it, you can catch it on the B-SIDE."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dris27
Posted on 7/14/01 7:05 PM


There's that red shirt again!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dope Piva U
Posted on 7/14/01 7:09 PM


That's gonna make her sad...

Oh well, in the meantime...


Please forgive me, as this is sort of OT for this thread, but...

Please show some love for Zork... It's never too late.

Keep THE WAVE going...

To join the contagion of AeroLove, please CLICK HERE and do THE WAVE.

"If that don't get it, you can catch it on the B-SIDE."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Pandora'sKey
Posted on 7/14/01 7:13 PM

I think Dris fell off the deep end here!!

"I took a Perfect Pill today. Yes I did. Along with a Suck Pill."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Pandora'sKey
Posted on 7/14/01 7:13 PM

I think Dris fell off the deep end here!!

"I took a Perfect Pill today. Yes I did. Along with a Suck Pill."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Dris27
Posted on 7/14/01 7:36 PM

I already said I was leaving, but now I'm going to come back and make some replies to keep bumping my post up so everyone will beg for me to stay some more!

There's that red shirt again!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by sheeprustler
Posted on 7/14/01 7:39 PM

Dont let the door hit you on the way out

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by taste_of_india
Posted on 7/14/01 7:40 PM

*begging* lol (i think i see pooty goat)

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Pandora'sKey
Posted on 7/14/01 7:40 PM

Dris, I think all the girls who are asking you to stay just want to keep looking at your pic of Joe...

"I took a Perfect Pill today. Yes I did. Along with a Suck Pill."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 7:57 PM

Dope Piva, are you the real Diva? I'M CONFUSSED! Bwah!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 30MSexMachine
Posted on 7/14/01 8:03 PM

I am not joking about loving Zork, nor am I joking about wanting her to stay and moderate the Aerosmith BBS.

I never knew when I refused to accept or decline Aerometis' apology that it would result in Zork leaving her job as moderator of the BBS.

I posted The Wave as a way of trying to make amends for causing this problem, and for upsetting Zork so badly that she felt she had no choice but to leave the board.

It is not now, nor was it ever, intended as a joke. I want Zork to stay. I am even hoping to meet her if she comes to the States to see Aerosmith play live.

I have told the truth here, though how to prove it, I do not know.

Pope Diva I

PS: I apologize for writing the PM's posted on The Wave thread. I never believed they would be made public. I was instructed by Zork to vent to her, rather than on the board, and that all PM's would remain private. I am sorry.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by perrychick
Posted on 7/14/01 8:05 PM

Dris, don't leave!! We still have so much more to dish on Joe!!! ; )

"I thought I knew me much better"

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by taste_of_india
Posted on 7/14/01 8:06 PM

dris just got banned

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 8:07 PM

well, two many of us in the Posse are there? lol

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Pandora'sKey
Posted on 7/14/01 8:11 PM

That's what i thought! I was just having a nice PM conversation with her and all of a sudden *poof* gone.... SWEET, Zork, I think she was just joking around!

"I took a Perfect Pill today. Yes I did. Along with a Suck Pill."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by taste_of_india
Posted on 7/14/01 8:13 PM

dris told me she was just playing around. i wanna know why the people who r making personal attacks against others arn't getting banned

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 30MSexMachine
Posted on 7/14/01 8:14 PM

If I was the type of person to post personal PM's I could answer that question. But I'm not, so I can't.


Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Pandora'sKey
Posted on 7/14/01 8:16 PM

Hey Tastey! Do you have an email addy for Dris?

"I took a Perfect Pill today. Yes I did. Along with a Suck Pill."

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Sellout-R-Us
Posted on 7/14/01 8:20 PM

"If I was the type of person to post personal PM's I could answer that question. But I'm not, so I can't."

But you did, mine. Forgetful, aren't we?

Subject Sellout-R-Us is new moderator? Reply to this message
Posted by 30MSexMachine
Posted on 7/14/01 8:21 PM

On another thread, someone posted that Sellout-R-Us is the new AeroBoard moderator to replace Zork.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 30MSexMachine
Posted on 7/14/01 8:22 PM

Sellout, you have a problem. I am sorry for you, really I am. I hope things get better for you soon.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Sellout-R-Us
Posted on 7/14/01 8:26 PM

Things are going swell for me. And how are things going for you tonight?

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by sheeprustler
Posted on 7/14/01 8:42 PM

Fine and dandy

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by love them lips
Posted on 7/14/01 10:40 PM

so dris is banned for saying CA CA? Is that it? Dear god what has this board come to? DOES ANYONE GET A JOKE?????

"moist, that's a good word, I love that word"

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 10:42 PM

Uh oh yourself..

There's an Aerosmith related pic on your sig!! YOU WILL GET BANNED!! AHHH

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by love them lips
Posted on 7/14/01 10:43 PM


"moist, that's a good word, I love that word"

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by taste_of_india
Posted on 7/14/01 10:47 PM

oh no!! im gonna get banned too! i don't know what i would do if i got banned! i might actually have to do something else besides sit at a computer and attack other people for really stupid things! oh no!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 10:53 PM


Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by taste_of_india
Posted on 7/14/01 10:57 PM

come kill me 2! i mean without the board i think i would die! i would have no motiavation to live! i don't think i would be able to go on living without seeing people being verbaly abused by a total idiot!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/14/01 11:00 PM

Here I come t'angel! And Poopy Knoxville is with me!!!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Tom's Angel
Posted on 7/14/01 11:04 PM

72sirD!!! You'll know my house, there are purple midgets in the front yard singing the Banana Splits theme song...

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by love them lips
Posted on 7/14/01 11:04 PM

OMG, I am LMAO!!!! hehehehehe

"moist, that's a good word, I love that word"

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/14/01 11:05 PM

Hey wait...can someone tell my why poopie is a bad word? I didn't know that!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by taste_of_india
Posted on 7/14/01 11:07 PM

POOPIE is a bad word? wow i didn't knoe POOPIE was bad. i always thought POOPIE was an ok word. whats so wrong with the word POOPIE?

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Gypsy Rain
Posted on 7/14/01 11:20 PM

To be clear ....

Goats are unacceptable here, unleadable, headstrong animals they are .....

Sheeps are acceptable, poor things they will follow anyone with a big stick, guess they need a home somewhere ...


the lil silent one ...


Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/14/01 11:23 PM

Hmmmm...I see gypsy. Your insight has been very much appreciated. I wonder how poor Poopy will take it though. He is the Lust Posse's mascot, after all.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by sameoldthing
Posted on 7/15/01 00:05 AM

What happend? I went away for one night and I come back and everything all yucky. Could someone explain why Zork left and Pope Dive 1 and Dris 27 are banned?

--- Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/15/01 00:13 AM

Hey same! Diva was banned for not accepting an apology and Dris was banned for saying "POOPIE CACA"!!! Watch it, you could be next!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by sameoldthing
Posted on 7/15/01 00:22 AM

I hope I don't get banned for asking these question. (shudders in fear)
Why did Zork leave?
Who banned you guys?

--- Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/15/01 00:24 AM

It's a mystery, but one thing is for sure--you must refrain from the use of the phrase "POOPIE CACA"!!!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by sameoldthing
Posted on 7/15/01 00:29 AM

Okay, can you say CACA POOPIE or is that a no-no too?

--- Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/15/01 00:34 AM

Hmmmm...I don't know sameoldthing! That's a good question! Hell, I'm willing to bet they'll get you for that too! Remember? You get banned for anything these days!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by aeroChick14
Posted on 7/15/01 01:08 AM

"Keep your nose to the grindstone. It sharpens your boogers." ~Steven Tyler

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/15/01 01:18 AM

I'm still a little flabbergasted about my, *AHEM* Dris' banishment so I wanted to explore the meaning of the phrase "POOPIE CACA." Unfortunately, upon my research, I was unable to find anything about the phrase, leading me to believe that it is, in fact, a "made-up" term on Dris' part. So I decided to examine the term "poop."

According to Volume II of the World Book Dictionary (yes, I know this is not our Webster, but this is the Dictionary I have at my house, so it is the one I will quote from), there are quite a few definitions of "poop." They are as follows:

-n. "a deck at the stern above the ordinary deck, often forming the roof of a cabin" or "the stern of a ship." v.t. "(of a wave) to break over the stern of (a ship)" or "(of a ship) to receive (a wave) over the stern"
-v.t. "Slang. to make or become exhausted"
-n. "U.S. Slang. information; gossip."
-n. (=nincompoop.)

As I have demonstrated, "poop" is by no means an overly offensive term (at least, not nearly as offensive as some of the terms we have all seen used on this board).

In closing, I would just like to say--


Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by sameoldthing
Posted on 7/15/01 01:24 AM

Dris, How dare you use a word with those type of meanings behind!!!
I use to think that you were a nice person, a good person!
But now the real Dris comes out!
How someone could use those words blows my mind!
Dris, Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

--- Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by 72sirD
Posted on 7/15/01 01:27 AM

I know, sameoldthing! I bet everyone was shocked at my language after that one! Oh heaven forbid!!!

Subject Re: OT-I'm a big baby, so I'm leaving! Reply to this message
Posted by Gypsy Rain
Posted on 7/15/01 04:04 AM

In honor of an earlier convo ...

Sweet Emotion
Sweet Emotion
You talk about things that nobody cares
You're wearing out things that nobody wears
You're calling my name but you gotta make clear
I can't say baby where I'll be in a year
Some Sweat Hog mama with a face like a gent
Said my get up and go musta got up and went
Well I got good news, she's a real good liar
'Cause the backstage boogie set your pants on fire
Sweet Emotion
Sweet Emotion
I pulled into town in a police car
Your daddy said I took it just a little to far
You're telling me things but your girlfriend lied
You can't catch me 'cause the rabbit gone died
Yes it is
You stand in the front just a shakin' your ass
I'll take you backstage, you can drink from my glass
I talk about somehting you can sure understand
'Cause a month on the road an' I'll be eating from your hand


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