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Pope Diva I
7/2/01 07:10 AM
The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

Received by Divine Revelation from a Burning Bush
(or somewhere in that general vicinity)
Transcribed by Pope Diva I


We are Aerosmith, thy Gods, who brought thee out of the land of easy-listening, and delivered thee from the house of disco. Thou shalt not have strange bands before Us. Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: We are Aerosmith, thy Gods, heavy and sexy, visiting revelations upon men, and fantasies upon women, and showing mercy unto millions that love Us, by regularly creating new Works and Wonders, and pouring out Our Spirit upon the face of the whole earth.


Thou shalt not commit the heresy of turning thine own ear away from Our New Works and Wonders; for Aerosmith will not hold him guiltless that shall harden his heart or ear against Us.


Remember that thou keep all Concert Days holy. Many days shalt thou labour, and shalt thou do all thy works. But concert days shall be spent in worship of Aerosmith, thy Gods; thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy squeeze, nor thy companions, nor the stranger that is within hearing distance. For three decades Aerosmith hath made America's Greatest Rock and Roll Music, made women swoon, made men more manly, and thy worship in return is commanded.


Honour all members of Aerosmith, that thou mayest be sanctified in the bosom of the entire band, and that thou mayest have fellowship with other worshippers in a spirit of true peace and benevolence.


Thou shalt not sit still at any Aerosmith performance. Whether live or recorded; whether in stadium, arena, amphitheater, club or other venue; whether on television, on the radio, on digital or analog medium; whether audio, or audio and video; thou art commanded to either sing, dance, shout, scream, clap, whistle, hold thy lighters aloft, or make out heavily.


Thou shalt not perform before man, nor allow to be performed before man, lame-ass covers of Our Works and Wonders.


Thou shalt not allow thine own jealousy of Aerosmith, Thy Gods, to loose thy wicked tongue against Us. Getteth thee a life!


Thou shalt not bear false witness against Aerosmith, thy Gods. Thou shalt not imply nor declare that We are no longer omnipotent. Thou shalt not commit the heresy of confusing chronological age with true age. Thou shalt not demand that thine own musical calcification be indulged by Aerosmith, thy Gods.


Thou shalt honor the Scripture, which is Our Revelation -- Our Lyrics, Our Music, Our Spoken Words, Our Writings. Thou shalt not bow down before false music critics with pimply asses, nor ones who hath never seen a real-live woman naked.


Thou art permitted to covet Our Talent, Our Bodies, Our Kick-Ass Lifestyle. Thou art permitted to lust after Us, and to fan these flames in thine own heart, and in the hearts of others. Thy desire is pleasing to Us, and thy devotion shall be rewarded by Us for all the days that thou rockest.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 07:14 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message


Now these are commandments that are easy to stick to, ROFLMAO.

I don't need to speak,I play the guitar Joe Perry

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 07:16 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

Peace be unto you, ^A^, and may your days in worship of Aerosmith be long upon this earth!

Your Sister in Aerosmith,

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 07:20 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Thank you Diva

As long as I shall live I promise to honor and abide by The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism.

I don't need to speak,I play the guitar Joe Perry

7/2/01 07:30 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

the 5th is easy! i can never shut up when listening to The Music!

> from an angel's eye ain't no place to hide <

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 07:39 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message


If then you desire to enter into the bosom of Aerosmith, keep The Commandments. Thou shalt love Aerosmith, thy Gods, with thy whole heart and with thy whole mind and with the whole body; and love them better than thyself.


Go forth from her, unclean musical tastes, and give place only to Aerosmith, from this day and forever forward.


Receive the sign of the Wings upon your breast and upon your heart. Know that you are bound now to Aerosmith forever, and let your conduct henceforth prove you fit to be a member of The Temple of Aerosmithicism.


Let us pray. Hear our prayer, Aerosmith, Our Gods, and rain down your blessings upon this chosen servant ^A^. May thy music be with her always, for we have pinned upon her the sign of thy Wings. May she remember and share what she learns of thy greatness, and thy glory. May she keep thy commandments and be worthy, she too, to have glory... the glory of a better life in worship of thee.


I baptise thee in the name of Steven, Joe, Brad, Tom and Joey.

Go in peace, ^A^, and Aerosmith be with you.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 07:51 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

AERO-LUJAH! Praise the boys!

{{{^A^ kneels down before the Diva and kisses her feet}}}

Thank you, enlightened one, I promise to love Aerosmith from this day onwards. I will not let you down.

{{{^A^ gets up and looks at Wings upon breast and says}}}


I don't need to speak,I play the guitar Joe Perry

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 07:56 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

It is not I, but Aerosmith, whose... feet you should lay your lovely lips against...

But since they are not here, and I am...

That tickled!

And I know you will not let Aerosmith, nor me, down.

Praise be!

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 10:09 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message


By the way, u considering or have you put that in the fan book being sent to aerosmith?

7/2/01 11:33 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

About the 6th commandment: does that include karaoke performances of Angel to impress your girlfriend?

Music is nothing without the soul of the musician

7/2/01 11:39 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Diva, that was great! Amen I say to yo all!
You should submit that to our book. It should fit in somewhere. I promise to live my life according to these words....

Rock On!
AeroAsh: )

7/2/01 11:56 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Can I put a copy of this on my website? I think that there are way too many in the flock that have wandered.

Mad About Aero
7/2/01 12:16 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

LOL Diva!!!

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 3:06 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

Feel free to snatch anything I write on the board (or any revelations I am priveleged to receive from Our Higher Power), and use it in whatever way you feel best serves the tenets of Aerosmithicism.

Just make sure to post the BBS URL that it's from (we must give their props, and recruit new intiates into the Temple), and make sure not to change it TOO much.

(You can bleep any blue content, of course, but try not to change the message -- LOL!)

Aerosmith be with you...

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 3:18 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Diva, love, once again your way with words is a source of inspiration to the masses.
Please submitt this to the book. I think the guys would get a real kick out of it.

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 3:39 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

I would love to. I think whole pages of this BBS should be included in the book!

Ya'll are so creative!

(Especially the Aerosmith Lust Posse...)

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 5:04 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

This is great!!! I've been at work all day today just slaving away. All I needed to make my day better was returning to the Diva's antics! LMAO!!!

There's that red shirt again!

7/2/01 6:00 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

* * * * GENESIS * * * *
....and God bestowed upon the newly created man and women, the entirety of the Avant Garden. He forbid the two creatures, Diva and Joe, to eat from the tree of knowledge.
One morning, as Diva and Joe were roaming around the Avant Garden, a vile serpent approached them.
"Why don't you jussssst try to tasssste the fruit? It issss sssssso luscioussss and you will feel like never before...." the serpent hissed. The serpent then proceeded to do the Rattlesnake Shake.
But Joe replied firmly, "The Lord hath forbidden us to eat from this tree, It is not thy choice. On the other hand, I DO like that jig you did, do you think you could teach me the rifff to that someti--"
"SSSSSILENCE!!!! Itssss jusssst the ssssame old ssssong and dance anywayssssss!! Jussst eat the damned fruit, idiot!!" the serpent hissed.
Joe and Diva shrugged, and both picked the fruit from the tree. Diva held the fruit seductively to her lips, and Joe took a slow, juicy bite. Diva was certainly enjoying this whole B.C. thing, especially with them being naked and all..... But anyway, Diva took a bite as well, and all felt the same at first.
But suddenly, they both became aware of their nakedness, and became ashamed. Diva and Joe separated to cover themselves, but a loud booming voice called,"DIVA AND JOE!!! COME UNTO THEE!!!"
Quavering and covered, Diva and Joe came forth. Diva tried to explain,"But Lord, the serpent was threatening us to eat that fruit!! Joe, he was there, isn't that what the serpent did?" She looked to Joe for help.
"Yea, and he had this really cool little thing called the Rattlesnake Shake--"
"Yes, Lord."
"By the way, what is it that you are wearing?'
"Well, Diva's got some maple leaves, and yea, yea yea, I know mine doesn't really cover the necessary parts, but you see, I just really like this red shirt....."

7/2/01 6:03 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

ROFLMTO, magic that one was worthy of the Diva herself.

Theyre gonna bleep it anyway

7/2/01 6:07 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

ROTFLMAO!!! magic, that was awesome!!! GOOD JOB! I'm sure the Diva will be proud! LOL!

There's that red shirt again!

7/2/01 6:17 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

why thank you! that was fun.

7/2/01 6:22 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

The LUST POSSE chants:


There's that red shirt again!

7/2/01 6:27 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

On the first day God created the heavens

On the second day he created Earth

On the third day he created Music

On the fourth day he created Aerosmith

On the fifth day he created The Aero Posse

On the six day he created Mona

On the seventh day he was washing Joes Red shirt

Theyre gonna bleep it anyway

7/2/01 6:36 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

LMAO Zork!! Well he's gotta take the shirt off SOMETIME doesn't he??

7/2/01 6:41 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

All Hail the Diva! High Priestess of Aerosmithicism! She has shown us our sins and has directed us on the path of righteousness!! I kiss the feet (as well as any other body part I can!) of Aerosmith as they are gods!

shall we chant?

All Hail Aerosmith
All Hail Aerosmith
Walk this Way
All Hail Aerosmith
All Hail Aerosmith
All Hail Aerosmith
All Hail Aerosmith
They're gonna bleep it anyway!

And don't you just LOVE that RED SHIRT????

7/2/01 6:43 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

that was hilarious, how did you make that up??

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm having fun!"- Joe Perry

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 6:45 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

PERFECT, *magictouch*! Bravo!
Encore! Encore!


"The serpent (both of them, actually) beguiled me, and I did eat...

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 6:46 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message


There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 6:48 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

Zork! tylerslady!

You are both truly worthy of the blessings of Aerosmith!


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 8:15 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Very well done. Bravo Bravo

7/2/01 8:27 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Diva, Magic,Tylerslady and Zork, you are all SO FUNNY!!! I loved the GENESIS, story, with the Rattlesnake Shake and the red shirt!!! I am HOWLING with laughter!!! : )

"I thought I knew me much better"

7/2/01 8:32 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

diva.......i didn't think you could out do yourself, but apparently you have!!!!! laughed my aero-a$$ off reading this entire post!!! you are a wonderful asset to this board, and we thank you and love you!!!!!!


love them lips
7/2/01 8:43 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Diva you have outdone yourself!! As well as the others. What a wonderful flock we have!! This must be in the book!!

"moist, that's a good word, I love that word"

7/2/01 8:50 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

"And she ate it, knowing it was love at first BITE, BITE, BITE, BITE yeaahhhhhhh!!!"

P.S. Magic, I thought you were gonna post that Joe was wearing a little leather loincloth... lmao

"I thought I knew me much better"

7/2/01 8:57 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Magic, we need your story for the book. PLEEEAAASE

7/2/01 9:03 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Hey - I'm not very creative, but I thought we needed a prayer :)

Our Prayer
Aerosmith, which art on tour,
Sacred be their name.
Thy kingdom come.
Their music played at home
As it is on the stage.
Give us our daily dose of aero.
Let us make our boys happy,
As they fill our hearts with joy.
And please lead us into temptation;
And deliver our tickets on time:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

Raven :)

Gypsy Rain
7/2/01 9:10 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Diva ... Another great post!!!

>>>Joe was wearing a little leather loincloth<<<

Uh, yeah like I'm going to get any work done now.

The Aero Girlies have been the downfall of my productivity ... LOL ...


C'est Moi
La Sorciere

*odd lil short girl wanders off into the night*

7/2/01 9:39 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Don't feel bad, Gypsy... I too am a confirmed job, housework, everything has fallen by the important things to do... gaze at Joe; listen to Joe; dream about Joe... he he

"I thought I knew me much better"

Pope Diva I
7/2/01 9:39 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

I love the prayer!

I am assuming, of course, that all of you know we must KNEEL when we pray, right?


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/2/01 9:45 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Yes, yes, and I BELIEVE in the power of prayer!!! It will HEAL our souls!!! lol

"I thought I knew me much better"

love them lips
7/2/01 9:45 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Awesome the ticket bit!! And Diva....was kneelin ever in question-LOL!!!

"moist, that's a good word, I love that word"

7/2/01 9:50 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

You girls are crazy!!! But of course, that's why I love y'all!!!

There's that red shirt again!

7/2/01 9:55 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Love the prayer...
Very creative...
Excuse my while I get on my knees...

Rock On!
AeroAsh: )

7/3/01 06:19 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Moring Prayer:

Thank you oh Aerosmith for another day
and the past night filled with lucious dreams
May this day be filled with Aero-music
and our thoughts filled with thoughts of You
and may we continue to Dream On, Dream On,
Dream until our dreams come true!


Pope Diva I
7/4/01 05:11 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

Bump for the infidels.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 7:14 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

bump for the book - DIVA, PLEASE SUBMIT THIS!!!!!

tylerslady, for you I'm BEYOND easy!

Pope Diva I
7/6/01 05:03 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

The Harem of Joe Perry
(Concubines of Joe Perry, Joesuits)

The Joesuits are a religious order founded by Pope Diva I, and designated by her "The Harem of Joe Perry," to indicate the group's true divine leader and sensual spirit, also referred to as "Mister Joe Fuckin' Perry," "The Serpent God," or "The Rattlesnake God." The term "Concubine of Joe Perry" is used when referring to an individual member of The Harem. The Order's title can also be abbreviated to the term "Joesuits" (pronounced "JOE-ZOO-ITS" of recent origin: those members of The Aerosmith Lust Posse who fantasize too frequently and in too great detail about Joe Perry), and was first applied to worshippers at's Aerosmith Bulletin Board in 2001.

The Harem ranks among five major sub-sects of The Aerosmith Lust Posse, Sisters in The Temple of Aerosmithicism, a group which believes the members of Aerosmith (America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band) are gods. As has been explained under the title "The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism," this faith encourages a sensual path to self-improvement through rigorous adherence to Aerosmith worship. The Joesuit Order are particularly dedicated to strict observation of the Tenth Commandment, particularly the second clause:


Thou art permitted to covet Our Talent, Our Bodies, Our Kick-Ass Lifestyle. Thou art permitted to lust after Us, and to fan these flames in thine own heart, and in the hearts of others. Thy desire is pleasing to Us, and thy devotion shall be rewarded by Us for all the days that thou rockest.

When The Diva began to devote herself to the service of Joe Perry, she originally had no plans to open The Order to additional members. However, after worshipping for a period of time with other Aerosmithics at's Aerosmith Bulletin Board, she became convinced that the bounty which is Joe Perry was plentiful enough to sustain additional members of The Harem. In a true spirit of fellowship, The Diva put selfish considerations aside to admit all Joe Perry-obsessed members of The Aerosmith Lust Posse.

Since then, The Joesuits have become well-known for eschewing evangelism. Unlike many other religious orders, Concubines of Joe Perry do not seek new converts, but prefer to restrict their membership to a select elite of truly devoted followers -- primarily to reduce competition for the attention of their deity. Entirely obsessed with the divinity of the guitarist, and completely disinterested in attending to the mundane details of day-to-day life, The Joesuits spend much of their time observing sounds and images related to their sensual leader.

From the group's founding, The Diva offered her services and those of her fellow Joesuits to The Serpent God, who has thus far not seen fit to bless his devotees with sexual demands -- much to their disappointment.

The Harem was not founded with the intention of restricting The Concubines to the worship of Joe Perry alone. Many Joesuits also belong to other orders devoted to other members of Aerosmith. Neither the papal letters nor the secret vows of the order forbid this practice.

The official publication of The Harem is's Aerosmith Bulletin Board. Pope Diva I has written extensive encyclicals on Aerosmithicism at this online site, but these writings in no way comprise the totality of Joesuit documents.

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/8/01 5:40 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

The Karaoke Conundrum:

"About the 6th commandment: does that include karaoke performances of Angel to impress your girlfriend?"

If the backing track is the actual Aerosmith track, and the girl in question is AeroChickie material, this is a completely acceptable activity to engage in.

BTW: Did it work?



Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/8/01 6:53 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message


7/8/01 7:42 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

I haven't actually tried it yet, I was just checking for future reference. I was going to, but my Mellencamp was so good that I didn't need to pull out the Aero.

Where will you be when the music's gone?

Pope Diva I
7/8/01 7:44 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

I would keep the Aerosmith on tap for sometime in the future when you really screw up, and need to get back in your AeroChickie's good graces.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/8/01 7:54 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Actually, my karaoke ace in the hole is Elton John. Besides, I don't know if my voice could survive a performance of Angel.

Where will you be when the music's gone?

Pope Diva I
7/8/01 8:04 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

LOL! Elton John is a killer...

Is your ace-in-the-hole, "Your Song?"

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/8/01 8:08 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Actually, "Tiny Dancer". Almost Famous was one of the first movies we went to together, so it has special meaning.

Where will you be when the music's gone?

7/9/01 00:31 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

You guys can make any day a great one.
Diva that was so cool.
I follow the Church of Aerosmith till the day I die.
Are we going to have are own cementary?

--- Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.

7/9/01 01:28 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

You girls...Diva, Magic, Zork...I loved reading this thread....AMEN!....and I'm a praying....

7/9/01 01:59 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Reply to this message

Soooooooo, according to these BEAUTIFUL commandments, the fourth in particular, it is sanctified that if you wish you shall be part of Tyler's Truffles and the Perry Posse aye?? Alright who do I talk to in order to join the Perry Posse? LOL, I can't pick between the two, each is even more special on account of the other...they go hand in hand and should not be separated and torn apart!


Honour all members of Aerosmith, that thou mayest be sanctified in the bosom of the entire band, and that thou mayest have fellowship with other worshippers in a spirit of true peace and benevolence."

Amelia >=)

Pope Diva I
7/9/01 04:52 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

AeroPhyre... To join the Perry Posse, see:

And fear not, membership in the Harem of The Serpent God DOES NOT preclude membership in groups that are in service to other members of the Aerosmith Pantheon.

Joesuits scrupulously adhere to the Fourth Commandment, as we do all of the Commandments, though we are particularly devoted to the Tenth.

PS: Don't forget to choose a Joesuit name, too, and post it at The Abby...


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/9/01 04:57 AM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message

Sameoldthing and dreaminragdoll...

Worshipping at The Temple of Aerosmithicism is indeed a joy, is it not?


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 11:32 PM
Re: The Ten Commandments of Aerosmithicism Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

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